Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Disappointment

When you think the car has stopped because we are going to the park...

When you realize Daddy is just getting gas...

My Poodle is So Punk...

My poodle is so punk she went outside on this beautiful spring day and peed right on a flower.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

It's Adventure Time!

Clarisse has certainly come a long way.

For the first few weeks, she was a bit nervous about new things. When we would go someplace new, she would shake like a leaf. Now, she is a confident little thing and is always up for an adventure.

Last week, we decided to take her out for a walk at the park one chilly, but not frigid day. She had been cooped up too much previously as it was just too cold to take her on long walks through the neighborhood. Now, when we do a quick walk around the neighborhood, I just put her harness on, but if we are going to be out longer and it is chilly, I put her coat on over it. She was nervous on the way to the park, but once we got there, she was ecstatic. She took off running and sniffing all the things. She had a wonderful time. She met a couple dogs, smelled lots of brand new smells and enjoyed jogging with us a little.

The next time we decided to head to a metropark, I put her harness on and as soon as I put her coat on, she exploded with energy. Unfortunately, I still had to get my coat on, and she kept "looking" up at me and pacing in front of the front door. She got desperate and tried to open the door herself (While she has learned how to open her crate door by herself, I am thankful she can't open the exterior doors on her own). Once I opened it, she ran to the car and turned to wait for me to get there so we could go. She jumped up and down the whole way to the park.
When we got there, she ran and ran and ran. She wanted to meet everyone. She ran for a good amount of the time. We always let her dictate how long we are out. When she gets tired, she will turn around. If we are on an out-and-back, we head back. If we are doing a loop and are at least halfway through, I turn her back around, but like getting that feedback. She ended up taking us for 3 miles which was the longest she has gone so far. When I was petting her today, I realized that she is building a bit of muscle in her little legs. I am so excited to see her growing more and more healthy in every way.

She has worked through her anxiety and has figured out that she is totally competent to handle anything that life throws her, as long as we are with her. I have rarely seen such unbridled joy as this little blind pup exhibits throughout her daily life. Everything (except when we have to go to bed or I have to leave for work) is the best thing that has ever happened.

Tax Tip from Clarisse

The solution to tax season stress is a poodle on your lap. You won't accomplish anything, but at least you won't be stressed!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

That Feeling When...

That feeling when you realize you bought your dog a coat that brings out the color of her cataract....

Body Building

When Clarisse first moved in with us, she was 9 lb 5 oz even with her overgrown hair. She scarfed her food down so fast she would get gassy....