Friday, July 6, 2018

The Nose Knows

One day, we took a trip out of town. Clarisse' daddy is an actor and was shooting a new TV pilot. Clarisse and I dropped him off on set a little early. When we left, he was standing and talking to some guys outside the location.

Several hours later, when he was wrapping up, we came back and parked the car. I took her walking around the neighborhood. She was trotting along with her nose in the air until we got to the spot where he had been standing. She stopped, dropped her nose to the ground and followed his movement around the lot.

In a busy street in the city, she was able to find where he had stood for a few minutes several hours before. This is so encouraging as it shows just how strong her nose is (or says something about his feet, but we are going to keep this positive).

Nova shares some staggering facts in an article in 2012:
* Dogs' noses are 10,000 - 100,000 times as acute as ours.
* "If you make the analogy to vision, what you and I can see at a third of a mile, a dog could see more than 3,000 miles away and still see as well."
* If we can smell a teaspoon of sugar in our coffee, they can smell a teaspoon of sugar in two Olympic-sized pools' worth of water.
* They have up to 300,000,000 olfactory receptors (compared to our rather pathetic 5,000,000).
* When dogs exhale, they expel air through slits on the side of their nose and are able to continue bringing fresh air in while exhaling, allowing them to inhale/smell continuously for up to 40 seconds.
* Dogs can wiggle their nostrils independently. 

It is so amazing that her adorable nose is so darned perceptive.

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Body Building

When Clarisse first moved in with us, she was 9 lb 5 oz even with her overgrown hair. She scarfed her food down so fast she would get gassy....